Design Source India provides the best training in Revit Dynamo. Our course will define Visual Programming and what it means for us as an average Revit user. We will also get a thorough understanding of the dynamo Revit interface hopefully to a point where we can use it on a day to day basis. Additional we will learn to differentiate between parametric and static uses of Dynamo. If you peek behind the curtain of the software, on a daily day to day basis it is really just the full lines of codes that are continually executing commands that we give it. Those commands are realized through graphical processer which shows us the imagery that we work with every day. Now a very useful thing that Dynamo does is that it gives us a way transition the code that is operating behind the curtain into a visual display.
We can wire together in different ways and algorithms. These algorithms are further used to develop geometry. Dynamo then takes the algorithm relationships and modification to the code and feeds it back into the program itself. Which generates, of course, the project that we have designed. In case you are wondering visual programming is just not limited to Dynamo. There are examples of Is back together into different formulaic relationships which are essentially
Excel basically is a group of rows and columns with data. That data is brought together into different Formulaic relationships which are essentially just another way of displaying algorithms. For us, in the architecture and design industry, there are few typical programs. In modeling, we use Rhino, Revit, SketchUp, 3D max. All these programs in one way or another have some kind of visual programming component. In video games, we have Unity the way we map relationships and actions and all of the playable features of a video game is actually done with visual programming.
In grasshopper which is more of a conceptual design modeler. Grasshopper is for Rhino and it generates geometry & then pushes that geometry back out into Rhino. For us that is Dynamo.
By using dynamo actually generate different geometry, the relationship how we are trying different geometry to one another where we can modify parameters & the number of different things that we will explore in this course. So that said let us look at what it takes to really operate Dynamo. I have two primary pieces of advice for those who are the average Revit user not necessarily having any experience with computer programming languages. The first is begin with the end in mind. Have a little bit of conversation with your coworkers about what the product is that you trying to create. It will help you identify the various components and tools that you need in order to generate that form. Secondly, the experience is extremely paramount to creativity. This is not a kind of program that one can take up and begin using after maybe an hour or so playing around on a couple of YouTube channel. It's an extremely powerful software which means creativity can you really be amplified by the power that it provides. However without knowing the underlying structure of how Information is passed through and processed in geometry gets changed and families are assigned, we can really take advantage of Dynamo in its purest form.
Some notes about this course - this course is a beginner level course. We are going to review about Revit, the functions in Revit that are parametric, how we can translate this into dynamo to be even more powerful parametric relationships or in this case algorithmic relationships. The first part of this course is going to contain a lot of data-centric design by that I mean we are going to look at how Information actually flows through the program in order to create geometry. At the base level of things, we have gone a start with points and lines or curves and creating some plane relationships within them. Also, something to know is that the geometry we are creating for this course is highly simplified. In order to understand the software and move on to more advanced level we really have to have a firm understanding of how data flows & so we are not going to worry about the details of hardware or any of the special system families that we would need in order to create for construction documents with this geometry and for those who are Revit users and are familiar with the visibility settings in terms of the Level of details of the views, you can think of this course as a course detail exploration. So we're going to look at everything general level and we are not going bog down at specifics of the design.