Our dedicated team members at Design Source India services convert your 3D scan data into 3D model and intelligent BIM model. Our diverse experience in point cloud modeling, bring expertise into your project. We have a broad range of experience across different type ologies including historical point cloud modeling, oil and gas, pipe plant, renovation and other architectural and infrastructural projects.
The 3D point cloud modeling services offered by us are not only cost effective but we also ensure shortest turn around time add highest possible quality we almost hundred percent accuracy. Power Point cloud modeling services is popular among various survivors, civil engineers facility management owners, construction Consultants and infrastructural property owners.
Our point cloud modeling services provide accurate as built 3D models including for renovations, retrofit and refurbishment projects. we use Revit architecture, revit mep, revit structure to build architectural, M ePF, structural models respectively. It is a well-known fact among industry experts, extraction of 3D model from point cloud data highly specialise and experienced team members. We have developed and enhanced over the years our in-house point cloud modeling capabilities.
Choose scan positions:
Beginning in the field the surveyor chooses each scan position around the object being scanned.
Setting up the instrument:
The instrument is then set up in the first scan position in the scanner begins to record. Millions of accurate 3d points are collected in minutes.
This process is repeated for each desired position around the bank all scans are cleaned and connected as a single point of Clouds within the scanner manufactured softwares and then be bought into the AutoCAD
Laser scan to 2D floor Plan:
For simple 2D floor plan the slices taken from the body of the building these points are then digitized using traditional AutoCAD commands and dimensions are recorded as well the point cloud scan sets inside the true to scale 3D world of the building
Laser Scan to 2D Elevation:
Elevations are similar in nature simply set the correct UCS you in Cad and then continued digitizing the cloud provides high quality template of the as-built conditions the result is a accurate 2D animations inside the 3D point cloud
Laser Scan to 3D CAD modeling:
3D modeling is also achieved through traditional AutoCAD or BIM modeling techniques. The laser scanning gives the users more information than what can be previously collected in the lifetime opening the design world too exciting new possibilities.