Fire & Evacuation Plan
The planning, practice and implementation of how you will respond in an emergency situation could mean the difference between life and death in some situations.Design Source IndiaServices aim to take the stress out of the emergency by creating a detailed Fire and Evacuation Plan (FEP). The FEP will thoroughly cover the details for effectively knowing when to evacuate and how the procedure should be implemented. FEP's should be updated and practiced regularly under the supervision of a fire safety professional to ensure efficiency if the situation ever arises.
Evacuation signs and diagrams must be displayed in a conspicuous position, securely attached to a wall or the internal side of a door and orientated in line with the building layout.
Every building must have an FEP describing evacuation procedures, and buildings of 300m2 and greater, must have evacuation diagrams that map the exit route to the agreed assembly point. An evacuation procedure outlines the process to follow in the event of a fire or hazardous materials emergency. Whereas evacuation diagrams must show the following details (fire safety reference points).
Esential Elements of a Evacuation Digram
The route from (you are here) to the nearest exit. Each exit of the building. Any intercommunication devices in the common areas (e.g. Warden Intercommunication Points). The location of manually operated fire alarms (e.g. break glass alarms). The location of any fire fighting equipment in the building (e.g. fire extinguishers and hose reels). The designated assembly area outside the building. The main route from each alternate exit route to the assembly area.

EvacDraft develops Evacuation Plans specific to your Organisation Standards.
>>The company name and address >>The name, address, telephone number and electronic contact details of the owner and occupier of the building(s) and the evacuation coordinator >>The Staff Fire Warden(s) details and duties >>The person(s) responsible for developing, changing and reviewing the plan >>The evacuation coordination procedures for the building >>Instructions for evacuating the building safely, in the event of a fire or hazardous materials emergency >>How to operate fire fighting equipment and manually operated fire alarms in the building >>The history of Fire Safety Instruction session(s) and Evacuation Practices >>Extra site specific information